Yoga for Insomnia

I have insomnia. Though I take medication for it, sometimes I just can’t fall asleep. I’ve tried a lot of things, from bubble baths to Sleepytime Tea, but nothing quite does it for me like a few simple yoga poses. After researching a lot of different yoga poses for sleeplessness and trying them out, I’ve come up with a routine that works really well for me.

I start out sitting cross legged, leaning against my pillow and do some simple neck stretches. I bring my head to one shoulder, then the opposite, then I do half circles several times. (Tipping your head all the way back actually compresses the very top of your spine, so don’t try that!)

Next I move into Viparita Karani, or Legs Up the Wall Pose. Lie on your back with your butt about 6 inches away from the wall (or closer if you’re more flexible) and slowly raise your legs up the wall.

You can stay in this pose for as long as feels comfortable. I like to stay in Viparita Karani for about 5 minutes.

After that, I slowly release the pose and move into Supta Baddha Konasana, or Bound Angle Pose. Ease your way into the pose by sitting up straight and touching the bottoms of your feet to each other in front of you, at whatever distance feels comfortable (you shouldn’t feel stress or pain in any muscles). Gently lye backwards so that you are reclining on your back with the bottoms of your feet touching, your legs forming a diamond in front of you.

Again, stay in this pose as long as feels comfortable. I usually stay in Supta Baddha Konasana for 5 to 10 minutes.

The last thing I do is stretch my legs out in front of me, transitioning into Shavasana, or Corpse Pose. Corpse Pose is just lying flat on your back with your legs relaxed and your arms at your side, palms up.

From here I do a short body scan. A body scan just means going through every part of your body, but by bit, and relaxing each section. For instance I’ll start with my feet, take a deep breath in through my nose while scrunching my toes and then flexing my feet, and then totally relax them. I continue to my calves, my thighs, etc.

After this practice you should feel more relaxed and ready for a restful night’s sleep!

Happy posing!

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