Moisturizing 101

I’m going to be honest here, I don’t like the winter! Along with not being able to show off cute dresses and shorts and skirts, crazily increased heating bills, and seemingly endless colds and nose-blowing for the sniffles, the winter months really take a toll on our skin. The raised heat in our houses and apartments, constantly blowing our noses, drinking more coffee and hot cocoa than water, and taking long, hot showers are all culprits of dull, dry skin. Luckily, there are quite a few things you can do to combat dryness.

First of all, and don’t hate me for this (!), try cutting your shower time to about 15 minutes of warm, not hot, water. Trust me, I know how good those scalding hot, half hour long showers feel- but is it worth the itchy, dry skin? Also, try using a body wash that features ‘moisturizing’ on the front. Some ingredients you’ll want to look for are: cocoa or shea butter and aloe vera. Avoid: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Silicone, and castor oil.

Now, I’ve mentioned this before, but I can’t reiterate enough how much of a difference it makes. Within three minutes of getting out of the shower and patting (not rubbing!) dry, apply a thick body lotion. Time is really of the essence here, as after three or so minutes your pores start to close, so the lotion won’t penetrate as well. Another tip is to rub your lotion into each section of skin for about 15 seconds (for instance; left lower leg 15 seconds, left thigh 15 seconds, etc…) to help your skin better absorb it. Some ingredients to look for in your body lotion are pretty much the same as in your body wash, and the ingredients to watch out for are the same too. Not too hard to remember!

I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times over, but I would be lying to you if I said it wasn’t so important. PLEASE drink enough water every day! A good equation to figure out how much water you need for your personal body weight in a day is: your current weight divided by 2 equals the ounces of water you need. (Of course different lifestyles call for different amounts- for instance, athletes need more, while sedentary people can drink just about the equation’s worth) There are so many benefits of drinking enough water, it’s great for your health and it has countless beauty benefits, as well. Think of your skin this way. It’s your largest organ, at an average of 18 sq ft. To hydrate, replenish, and feed it, you need to drink water. Absolutely no beauty treatments, creams, or lotions are going to make your skin look as great as staying hydrated will.

A few additional tips:
-Try to keep the heat in your house or apartment down. Definitely don’t go above 75 degrees F!

-If you have super chapped areas of skin, such as your nose, cheeks, elbows, even lips, try adding some vitamin E oil to your regular lotion. It works wonders, and it’s also great for scar healing (read: acne scars begone!)

-Pure honey can work as an amazing mask for super dry facial skin that’s prone to breakouts. It will hydrate and replenish your skin leaving it bright and kissable without the fear of pimples.

-Remember to exfoliate, be it by dry brushing, a scrub, or a loofah! Exfoliation removes dead, dry skin cells on the top layer of your skin, exposing the fresh, bright skin underneath. Even with all the lotion in the world, you won’t see a difference unless you exfoliate on a regular basis.

Happy moisturizing, and stay warm! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to write a comment and I’ll be sure to address you 🙂

Coffee Again? A DIY Recipe for an Amazing Coffee Body Scrub


I’m really on a coffee-kick! Can you blame me? I honestly believe coffee is a wonder-substance all around (not to mention it smells and tastes divine!) Along with the benefits of coffee I mentioned in my earlier post, the caffeine in coffee is great for temporarily getting rid of cellulite. It works by eliminating the excess fluid in fat cells that shows up as cellulite. Amazing, right? So here’s an amazing scrub you can use in the shower that incorporates coffee, brown sugar, and olive oil (read: silky smooth, moisturized, cellulite-free skin!)

What You’ll Need:

-Olive oil
-1 cup ground coffee
-1/2 cup brown sugar

What To Do:

1. Mix the coffee and brown sugar in a medium-sized bowl, whisking together with a fork or whisk so that each ingredient is fully incorporated.
2. Add the olive oil a little bit at a time until the scrub reaches whatever consistency suits you best. (I like to have my scrub pasty, not too runny!)
3. After soaking in a warm (not hot!!) shower for a couple minutes, massage the scrub all over your body in small circles. Make sure to rub each area for about ten or fifteen seconds to really reap its full benefits.
4. Thoroughly rinse off the scrub.

A Few Tips:

*Only stay in the shower for about 15 minutes, as the water will start to leech moisture from your skin after that amount of time.
*When you get out of your tub, gently pat yourself dry, do not rub! Rubbing dry is another thing that will dry out your skin.
*I’ve mentioned this before, but just to reiterate, applying a body lotion within about 3 minutes of drying off is very important, as after 3 minutes your pores start to close up, allowing less moisture to penetrate the skin.
*Rub your lotion in for about 15 seconds on each area for your skin to really soak it up.
*Your tub might look a little messy after using the scrub, but don’t fret! It easily washes away an down the drain with a quick burst of water around the basin.

Happy scrubbing!

Benefits of Tomato for Skin


Tom-may-to, to-mah-to!

Whichever way YOU say it, try using it on your skin to…

-Clear away blackheads

-Fight Acne

-Get glowing skin

-Sooth sunburns

Phew! Yep, tomatoes can do all that. Thanks to a high concentration of vitamins A and C, and AHAs (alpha-hydroxy acids, a natural exfoliant) in this plump red vegetable, the skincare benefits are too numerous not to try it out! Read on for the easiest way to cleanse your skin using tomato.

What you’ll need:


-Thin slice of tomato with the skin intact on one side (far less messy this way)

What to do:

1. Soak your washcloth in warm (not hot!) water, ring out the excess and apply it over your face, leaving it on for 2 to 5 minutes to open up your pores.

2. Pat your face dry, then take the tomato slice and simply rub it all over your face and neck, making sure to avoid the eye area. Try pushing lightly on any areas you may have blackheads, to really help the juice sink in. Leave this on for 10 to 15 minutes, depending on how sensitive your skin is.

3. After it has sit on your face, re-wet your washcloth with warm water and very gently rub off the tomato juice. Splash your face with water to make sure all the juice is really off. Though the acids in tomato is what’s good for your face, leaving it on for too long can be very irritating.

4. Moisturize, and you’re good to go!

As usual, please remember to test this out on your inner wrist before applying to your face, just in case you’re allergic or have a bad reaction.

Happy cleansing!